Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Second Day of School

Today was exciting we started to learn about centers. We went to the library, the leap pads, building station, big books and seat work. Or tables are named after the different continents of the world. We Talked about the calendar and did some graphing as well. In rotation we went to Art and Music. We are also reading more in our novel. Did you know a male swan is called a cob?

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

We love second grade. Our clas is fabulous! We explored with our math manipulatives. We started "The Trumpet of the Swan." We watched a Math Monster video about how important numbers are. We learned the rules of second grade and our color changes. We also talked about what makes a good friend. A best friend helps his friends to be the best they can be. There were tons of school supplies that we organized. We also got to play with our friends. It was a busy day!